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If you like the software, if you work with it, please send a postcard of the place you live at to:

Stefan Heymann
Eschenweg 3

Postcards so far

Here is an overview of a few postcards I received so far:

Nordseeheilbad Juist, Germany

Thanks, Holger

Ville de Québec, Canada
The back reads "Thanks for XML parser. It's truly a beautiful piece of software"

Thanks, Eric

Courthouse, Chillicothe, Ohio, USA

Thanks, Ray

New York City, New York, USA

Thanks, Marc

Princess Street, Edinburgh, UK

Reutlingen, Germany

Thanks, Haiko

Prinsengracht, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Thanks, Enzo

Halifax, Canada

Thanks, Marc

Sydney, Australia

Not just a postcard, a real photograph. Thanks!

Terveiset Nokialta, Finland

Thanks Markku

Osimo, Italia

Thanks, Fabrizio