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Firebird Conference 2006 Blog

This is my Weblog (Diary) about the 2006 Firebird Conference in the Andel's Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic, 12 to 14 November 2006. New articles are at the top, so you should read it from bottom to top.

Photo Gallery

2006-11-16 :: Blog Finished

This is the end of this blog. It has been a great experience: I met a lot of nice people with a lot of knowledge, I learned new tricks and I teached some tricks to others. And I have found new friends.

I hope to CU all again next year! 

2006-11-16 :: Photo Gallery finished

Internet access in the hotel was slow and unreliable. And the Wifi network was disconnected immediately after the closing session of the conference. So I had to wait until my return home to have Internet access. 

I have now finished the photo gallery. There are a lot of photos including slides from Dmitry Yemanov's presentation about the future of Firebird.

2006-11-14 -- 11:30 :: Talk Material is Online   

You can now download the slides and examples of my talk. 

Some people approached me after my session to tell me they have now finally understood all the correlations about character sets. It looks there have been a few lights going on and that's the most rewarding thing I can think of for a speaker.

We also had some fun with the various language examples in my session. There was an attendee that was able to read the Arabic and Farsi text and Meiji Kimura from the Japanese Firebird group read the Japanese text.

2006-11-13 -- 23:59 :: Even more New Images in the Gallery

There's so little time left for blogging, I just continue to fill the photo gallery and have comments there. Unfortunately, there's no Internet in my hotel room (I'm writing this at 01:03 a.m.) so it will have to wait until tomorrow morning when I have Internet access again.

Tomorrow will be my own session, I have finished my presentation. So I can have a good sleep now :-) 

2006-11-13 -- 01:03 :: New Images in the Gallery

There are new pictures in the gallery with slides from the opening keynote.

2006-11-12 -- 18:09 :: Internet Access

Now we finally have Internet access. I have visited 3 sessions. The next one will be the opening keynote where Firebird 2.0 is to be released officially (we already received it on the conference CD). It will be interesting to hear what Paul Beach will tell us aside from the 2.0 release. Having Borland as a main sponsor here is an interesting situation ...

2006-11-12 -- 08:45 :: Another Walk

I got up quite early and took another walk to the Carlovy Bridge and the castle. I managed to get a few shots with the sun shining. At sunday morning there are very few tourists and so I could should from places that are crowded at other times.

When I got back to the hotel I met my dear friend Dimitry Zacharov from Riga/Latvia. We will go out for lunch at noon.

2006-11-11 -- 18:00 :: Back from Walk

Together with Milan I went to the city. We had a nice walk and a good Pizza :-)

We were told that Internet access at the hotel is for 5 EUR/day. However, it turned out that it's 20 EUR/day (or 10 EUR/hr), which both is way beyond my budget. So I will have to wait until I have free Internet access via the Conference WLAN. Blog updates will not be as frequent as I thought. Sorry.

2006-11-11 :: Arrived

I had a good flight and arrived in Prague. On the Metro station I met Milan Babuskov and we got to the hotel together. The Andel's hotel is just great, no comparison to last year. I immediately got a room. We also met Thomas Steinmaurer, Paul Ruizendaal and three Dmitrys so we will get out to get lunch soon.

2006-11-07 :: Session prepared

Session Title ScreenshotI have just finished the preparation of my session. It will need some polishing but I would be able to do my talk with what I have now. So I am prepared and I can enjoy the time in Prague :-)

2006-10-19 :: DevCo sponsoring the Conference

Today it was announced that the Borland Developer Tools Group, which will soon be spun off from Borland and which is called "DevCo" in the developer community, is a Sponsor of the Firebird Conference. There seems to be an end to the cold relationship between the Firebird and the InterBase development teams. We will see what that brings us but to me it sounds good.

2006-09-28 :: Martijn's Blog

There will be another Blog about the conference by Martijn Tonies. He already wrote a Blog about the Firebird Conference last year. And he somehow managed to write a lot more than me. I still owe him a beer from last year, which is not a problem. The problem is: I told him today and he had forgotten about it. Why must I always be so honest? ;-)

2006-09-28 :: Free Internet

We will have free Internet access in the hotel, which will really help me to publish this blog :-)

2006-09-26 :: Blog Opened

This will be my Weblog Diary for the Firebird Conference 2006. I booked the flight on saturday so there's no way back.

My only talk will be about Unicode, Characters Sets and how you put it all together with Firebird.

Last year there have been complaints about my blog being too thin, so I will try to improve. The first step was yet another new camera, a digital SLR beast that will give better quality for the blog pictures. So you will probably see a lot of pictures here, and they will be larger. There will be a separate Photo Gallery, which currently is empty.

This time my stay will already begin on saturday so I have enough time to visit the old city and attend all sessions :-)

Stefan Heymann